Water Softener Installation — Do-It-Yourself or Hire a Professional?

Is it really necessary to hire a professional? After all, how difficult could it be to research water systems, purchase one and install it yourself?
Before committing to that, let's first shed some light on just how valuable a qualified water treatment professional can be; and why you may want to consider contacting a trusted local water treatment dealer instead.

A Dealer Will Test Your Water

Sounds simple right… its just water. Unfortunately, it’s often times not that straightforward. Many contaminants have the potential to be present in your water. A water treatment professional is trained to identifying and diagnose a wide-range of potential issues you may be experiencing with your water.

A qualified water treatment dealer will test your water (in-home) for a wide variety of common contaminants; while those results are often confirmed with state-certified laboratories, which (in-turn) may provide further testing services for other possible contaminants (such as coliform [or E. Coli] bacteria).

A Professional Water Treatment Dealer Has Particular Knowledge

Every profession requires specific expertise and experience to get the job done properly. An HVAC expert; a plumber; an electrician; a well driller. They’re all called “professionals” because they have the required tools, expertise and experience to deliver a specialized service.
Water treatment dealers are no different, they expertly match a solution to your homes (or business’) particular needs.

To accomplish this, they must first test your water to determine the underlying cause (or more often causes) of your water issue(s), as well as have practical knowledge of the chemistry behind what’s occurring (or needs to occur); be well-versed on various treatment techniques and related equipment, including their capabilities and requirements; and be acquainted with which technique(s) have been shown (in the field) to be more effective (than others) for the treatment of a specific water issue(s).
Only then can a determination be made with regards to the proper equipment selection and treatment method.

Big-Box (and Online) Stores are Not Equipment Experts… But Dealers Are

Big-box stores typically provide one-size-fits-all (cabinet) units that are undersized, inefficient and (often times) ill-equipped to effectively treat even municipal water issues (such as high hardness or iron); let alone be effective for treating issues often associated with well water.
Dealers, however, have access to specialized equipment more suited for the task at hand; not directly accessible to the consumer through any other source (including big-box and online stores).
Choosing and installing the proper equipment is best left to the professionals. They will ensure it operates properly, efficiently and effectively; and will serve your needs for many years to come,

For A Qualified Dealer...Installation, Maintenance And Repair Are Second Nature

A water softener (or water system) is specialized equipment and requires proper installation, setup and maintenance to operate effectively.
The fact is, a professional water treatment dealer is certified (in most cases), and well-versed on all aspects of installation, setup, maintenance and repair.
In addition, water treatment dealers are trained to identify potential long-term issues that may affect the performance and impact the life-span of your water system.
Also, consider the fact that water treatment professionals have (and are connected to) on-going backing and resources; keeping them up-to-date on the latest techniques, innovations and technologies in the industry.

Worry-Free Soft Water is Just A Click Away

Hiring a professional is likely to be slightly more costly up-front, but well worth it in the long run. Think of it as an investment, in which you gain valuable expertise, access to the highest quality products, expert installation, follow-up service and ongoing warranty support.

You wouldn’t buy and install an HVAC system on your own, so why do that with a water treatment system. With such an important purchase, it’s important to know your getting the best service possible.
We offer only the finest quality equipment in the industry, combined with the highest level of expertise and professionalism.
We adhere to a strict code of ethics, and provide the utmost in customer care.

Contact us today, to get a free water test and expert advise from a qualified water treatment professional.


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